Odour Management

Odour can occur from time to time in the Tarago and surrounding districts. The community is strongly encouraged to report any instances of unacceptable occurrences to the following organisations.


For any feedback relating to the Woodlawn Eco-Precinct, residents or other interested parties can call the Feedback line on 1800 241 750, or the Woodlawn main office number 02 8588 1360

Environment Protection Authority

  • Contact EPA Hotline on 131 555 Option 1

  • mail contact for EPA to report is info@epq.nsw.gov.au.

    EPA request the following info when you email them:

    - time odour observed:

    - location smelt:

    - source of smell:

    - describe smell:

    - other:

  • The NSW EPA has a document on how to report an odour, including a odour log, click here

Odour Presentation to TADPAI General Meeting

Veolia Attendees: Henry Gundry, Ark Du

Summary of Veolia’s Presentation:

Dr Ark Du (Bioreactor Engineer) presented the recent findings of the bioreactor inspection. Including the monitoring assessment of the whole bioreactor surface. The assessment which is conducted on a quarterly basis outlined in our Environmental Protection Licence, however is now carried out on a monthly basis due to our increase in odour complaints.

The bioreactor surface assessment was presented to the committee using imagery outlining where the extraction system was performing well, and also where improvements are required. The site tracks methane and hydrogen sulphide as part of this assessment. Over the last 3 months, at the power station we have observed an increase in Hydrogen Sulphide concentrations, levels that we haven't experienced for many years. The site is ensuring that the capture systems are maintained that the gas is extracted and utilised via the power station. The site is dynamic due to the natural processes of producing Methane, and odour is a function of these natural processes.

Ark explained the required actions being conducted to address these areas, which includes the installation of additional landfill gas extraction wells, application of more cover material and an increase in the use of biofiltration material. Biofilters (coarse compost) provide a passive measure to oxidise the odourous compounds. Biofilters are widely used in landfills, and other waste treatment systems, and are proven to be very effective.
Managing water within the waste, waste cover and Biofiltration is key to mitigate the emission of odourous glasses. The site is contributing a significant amount of funds towards the existing Leachate Treatment system to further increase its throughout. Funds are approved for 2021.