Tarago and district Progress Association Inc (TADPAI)

What is TADPAI?

Tarago Progress and District Progress Association Inc (TADPAI) has arisen from a need to facilitate and unify the efforts of the community in the development and maintenance of the rural lifestyle valued by the residents of this district.

TADPAI Aim is:

“Promoting the Social and Economic Development of Tarago Village and District”

Current TADPAI projects

  • Tarago Hall will be internally painted and the floor will be sanded and oiled funded through projects supported by Veolia Mulwaree Trust and Tarago Village Discretionary Fund.  Work will commence May 20212.

Community Announcements

  • Proposed Woodlawn Advanced Energy Recovery Project. Goulburn Mulwaree Council advised that the Department of Planning has received an application for Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the proposed Woodlawn Advanced Energy Recovery Centre State significant development (SSD). SEARs is just a list of issues that Veolia is required to address as part of their detailed application and this part of the process does not include any determination. TADPAI has lodged a submission with the Department of Planning and a copy of that submission is click here

  • Tarago Rail Yards Lead Contamination - Transport NSW has a community web page (https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/current-projects/tarago-rail-yards-lead-contamination) dedicated to the Tarago Rail Yards Lead Contamination issue. It is a comprehensive resource detailing community engagements and technical reports. Transport NSW provided an update on the 22 June.  Visit the web page for the latest information.

  • Tarago Village Plan , Is an ongoing living document for the future development and infrastructure improvements in the Tarago Village.

Community Resources

  • TADPAI Constitution

  • TADPAI Facebook - The Facebook group TRIPS was created to be the TADPAI channel of 2-way communication with the community, with the community having free and direct access to post on the group any topic of interest or concern to the community.

  • Veolia Mulwarree Trust - This is a comprehensive site that details current and past projects and provides information on how to apply for a VMT grant.

  • The Tarago Village Plan and Projects Register are tools that the community of Tarago can use to achieve their shared vision. The Plan will provide the community with a comprehensive and coordinated road map to achieve the community’s vision. This Plan is to be used to guide future funding and investment from the VMT, Goulburn Mulwaree Council and the community and private sector. The Plan

    • provides an analysis of Tarago

    • establishes the future vision for what Tarago will become

    • clarifies the existing character of Tarago that is to be retained and enhanced

    • identifies open spaces that require improvement

    • provides a brief for a broad range of detailed works throughout the village

    • identifies appropriate areas of growth

    • provides an indicative implementation plan for rolling out works


To join and renew membership of TADPAI, complete and submit the on-line Membership application form here,

There are nominal membership fees:

  1. Application fee $5.00 per person (once only)

  2. Annual subscription $5.00 per person

TADPAI Executive Contacts

Position Name Email